Le Evangelio u Reino u yuum

Ba’ax ten le humanidad ma’ u resolver u toop.
A wojel wáaj ba’ax le yáax ka ts’ook ba’al le Biblia ye’esik Jesús predicó yóok’ol ti’ Evangelio jump’éel Reino jump’éel yuum.
Yojéelo’ob u le Reino ti’ Dios-le énfasis ti’ le apóstoles yéetel le primeros ba’ax le siguieron.
Ba’ax le u Reino u Dios le máak Jesús. Ba’ax táan u reino Dios Jesús viviendo u kuxtal ti’ to’on bejla’e’. Ba’ax le u Reino u Dios biin bin yano’ob reino xíimbal tumen u futuro. Creerás ku ka’ansa’al le Biblia.
Ba’ax le jump’éel reino. Ba’ax le u Reino u Dios. Ba’ax ku ka’ansik le Biblia. Ba’ax ka ka’ansajnak najil k’uj cristiana primitiva. Ba’ax ku tséenta’al yilaje’ u u ts’o’okol ma’ u k’uchul tak ka u Reino u Dios je’el u predicado yóok’ol kaab testigo.

Link: Le Evangelio u Reino u yuum

Posted in Ucatec Maya
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The Continuing Church of God, which attempts to represent the most faithful remnant of the Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7) portion of the Church of God, bases its beliefs on the Holy Bible. Read CCOG's statement of beliefs for more information.