Vhangeri hwaMwari

Ko vanhu vane mhinduro?

Nyika anotarisana nematambudziko akawanda.

Vanhu vazhinji vane nzara. Vanhu vakawanda vanomanikidzwa. Vanhu vazhinji vanotarisana urombo. Marudzi mazhinji vari chikwereti chakakura. Vana, kusanganisira vaberekwa ndivo, vanotarisana achasvibiswa. zvirwere zvahunoitwa nemishonga chokuita vanachiremba vakawanda. Major maguta maindasitiri vane mhepo yakanyanya yakasviba kuti utano. Various enyika zvingakanganisa hondo. Kurwiswa nemagandanga chengeta chaitika.

Vhangeri hwaMwari

Posted in African Booklets, Shona
About CCOG
The Continuing Church of God, which attempts to represent the most faithful remnant of the Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7) portion of the Church of God, bases its beliefs on the Holy Bible. Read CCOG's statement of beliefs for more information.