Nyanja Chodzikanira

mfundo pano yatembenuzidwa kuchokera ku zipangizo chinenero English kwa anthu ambili (Mateyu 24:14; 28:. 19-20 omasulira kusamala kumasulira bwino, chifukwa nthawi zambiri sakhala mamembala a tipitirize Church of God, kumvetsa kuti pakhoza kukhala misinterpretations wa mudziwe Ngati chinachake sizikuwoneka lamanja kapena bwinobwino. chonde kufunsira original English gwero, pa www.ccog.org.

Posted in African Booklets, Chichewa
About CCOG
The Continuing Church of God, which attempts to represent the most faithful remnant of the Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7) portion of the Church of God, bases its beliefs on the Holy Bible. Read CCOG's statement of beliefs for more information.