Luo: Kor Mawuok E Muma. Due mar Ang’wen – Auchiel, 2017

Here is a pdf link to the Luo edition of BNP magazine of the Continuing Church of God: Kor Mawuok E Muma. Due mar Ang’wen – Auchiel, 2017.

Eyo machalo kama:

2. Kowuok kuom Jandiko: Romo mar Afriak 2017. Contining’ Church of God noluongo room mar Jotelo mopogore opore ma Afrika,2017
3. Dhoudi Apar gariyo mag Israel ni kanye? Adieri, ji mang’eny ong’eyo mana kama Juda nitiere, T ng’ny ji ok ong’eyo kama dhoudi modong 12(kod moko kaka lawi) ni to gin kanye.
13. Weche piero ariyo gaboro ma puonjowa kuom lamo machopo: Mar 7; Be inyalo puonjori kaka lembi nyalo chopo kare?
18. Puonjri gi Muma e puonjruok mar 12: Gima omiyo wang’eyo ni ndiko duto mag Muma gin adieri.
24. Pasaka: Be owuoyo mana kuom tho Yesu kende? To bende joKristo oningo rite?

Here is a pdf link to the Luo edition of BNP magazine of the Continuing Church of GodKor Mawuok E Muma. Due mar Ang’wen – Auchiel, 2017.

Posted in Dholuo
About CCOG
The Continuing Church of God, which attempts to represent the most faithful remnant of the Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7) portion of the Church of God, bases its beliefs on the Holy Bible. Read CCOG's statement of beliefs for more information.